FromStevensville, MI. He began dancing at age 13, training in V.O.P. Style jazzwith Nancy Myers Gitlin (a protégé of Frank Hatchett), ballet with RhodaRabbers, and Taylor and Graham modern techniques with Theresa Cozzi Graziano. Arecipient of the Gus Giordano Dance Scholarship, Eugene was a member ofGiordano II and Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago. He has also performed and touredinternationally with DanceWorks Chicago and Luna Negra Dance Theater. Peabodyhas most recently performed in Gray St. an off-Broadway production with DirectorAndré Kasten. As Artistic Director ofTrilogySchool of Performing Arts (Lake Zurich, IL), Eugene devotes much of his focusto developing young artists and is ecstatic to share his passion with theMarriott Theatre.