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The Princess and the Pea 'perfect' intro for young audiences

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

For a new twist on the classic "The Princess and the Pea" fairy tale, bring the kids to see Marriott Theatre for Young Audience's production of this thoroughly entertaining new musical. Based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen, their new version tells a contemporary tale that is both fun for the adults as well as kids. This special one-hour presentation is a perfect way to introduce children to the world of musical theatre. It's followed by a Question & Answer session with the cast who sit in chairs and play themselves while they converse with the audience.

The plot features a young Prince Wellington who is seeking himself a bride. His mother, Queen Evermean, has picked out a "perfect princess" for him to marry, the brainless Buffy. To make the contest fair, all of the princesses in the land are lining up to be the first to pass the "Princess Test". But the Prince, who likes to write stories, wants to pick out his own bride and marry for love. He meets Ruth, an ordinary young maiden who loves to read, in the Royal Forest, and wants to marry her. But she must first pass the "Princess Test" as well. Will the oh-so persnickety Queen allow her to win? Will a tiny pea and a stack of mattresses stand between her and true love? The dialogue is appropriate for kids with higher level meaning for the adults. Couple that with glorious new music from Marc Robin and you have the "perfect" way to spend a Saturday morning with your family.