Also at Marriott Theatre: Beautiful. Other credits: The Cherry Orchard, 2666, Vanya Sonya Masha & Spike, Seagull (Goodman Theatre). Fiddler On The Roof, Murder On The Orient Express, Steel Magnolias (Drury Lane). The Children (Steppenwolf). Plantation (Lookingglass) Tiny Beautiful Things, Pipeline, Native Gardens (Victory Gardens). The Audience, Master Class (Jeff Award Principal Actor - TimeLine Theatre Company - Company Member). Women Laughing Alone With Salad (Helen Hayes Nomination - Woolly Mammoth, DC) Films: Divergent, Conviction, One Small Hitch, M.O.M. T.V.: “Work In Progress” “Fargo” “Sense8” “Proven Innocent” “Boss” “Chicago Med, Fire & Justice”. Representation: Gray Talent Group.